Christian Coite

Hydraulic Chief Engineer

40 years of experience in the design of pumping station and regulation.


Responsive fountains : les Fonfolles®

Fonfolles Fountains

Patent registered in INPI

Trade mark « Fonfolles » and similar, as well as so as the patent for:
were registered in INPI October 30th, 2013.
The patent protects all construction moved by water or any other fluid according to:

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  • Either stimuli by spectators
  • or physical, meteorological or atmospherics parameters,
  • Or both simultaneously or independently. For example, it is possible to imagine that the parameters act when few people are close to the fountain and that stimuli produced by the spectators act when a lot of people are close to the fountain.
Fontaines Fonfolles 2

These suggestions only show the big versatility in possible solutions and animations. All kind of stimuli and parameters are allowed, including the playful and "acting" side of audience; which can be outside or inside the Fonfolles.

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